Friday, November 20, 2009

Mmnnnn Beer

Well I've been a bad blogger lately. Time to get back into the swing of things. As you can see from the pic I've been busy brewing. That's four different brews going right now. Up front is a Pumpkin Ale made with real pumpkin. Followed by my Gumball headish wheat try #2. The first try ended up being 9% and was just ok. This time my calculations look right. After that is a Scotch ale, and all the way in the back is the Tripple that has been aging for around 4 months. I should be bottleing that next week. First I want to pull a sample to make sure it's ready to be bottled. I'm not sure what the next brew will be, but I'm thinking of making the jump to all grain brewing. Should be a whole new adventure in brewing.