Monday, April 21, 2008

Bloody Mary or Beer????

It all started out a an innocent trip to the corner gas station. Then I have to go and run into this stuff. I have been known to out down a few bloody marys, so when I saw beer/clamato juice it peaked my interest. This stuff is f@#$ing disgusting. These are two things that should have never been mixed together. Bud just made their beer worse, if that's possible.


Josie said...

I really like the image of the nasty stuff going down the drain. Way to be gutsy but that's just plain nasty

Lychee said...

I agree. I don't like beer or tomato juice/products. It freaks me out...

Nick said...

They are trying to reproduce a Michelada which is a Mexican drink that has cerveza (usually Sol of Corona), tomato or Clamato juice, one lime (not lemon), and salt. It still sounds gross to me though.

Steve Harkonnen said...

Meh....I think this has pretty much changed my mind about buying these. They come in a four pack of tall cans and run about six and some change. No, while I like beer, I also like the clamato juice on its own.