My first BA trade. It all started when I saw a post that someone was looking for New Glarus flute glasses. I had two of them in a lambic gift pack that I never gifted to someone. So I posted that we should trade. Well that started a title wave of beer mails about the gift pack. Within 30 min I had 8 messages wanting to trade me for it. Eventually I post to stop mailing me about it. I waited for the original guy to get back to me, which he never did. So I contacted the first guy that messaged me. We setup a straight $ for $ swap. I received 2 6pks and a bomber out of the deal. Not bad right. This started me thinking. It’s all nice and good that I got some cool beer out of this, but is it really necessary? I know that being from the Midwest I am relatively lucky with the selection at my fingertips, but so is the guy from the east coast. I try to eat locally produced foods as much as possible and am trying to source all of my home brew ingredients locally too. So as much as I will dig the new brews I get to try this will probably be my last trade. It just doesn’t make sense to get caught up in the hype of a beer that probably has an equivalent in your market. We should be eating and drinking locally. Now I know that when you got to the liquor store there are choices from all over the country. But what if we all drank beer that was from a 100 mile radius? That would dramatically cut down on emissions and keep/create jobs for people in your region of the country. Now I’m not saying I don’t or won’t drink non local beer. Just something to ponder when making you next purchase.
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