Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Glarus-Fat Squirrel

Every time you drive over the border to our north you need to pickup some New Glarus. I know that Spotted Cow is their flagship/really popular brew, but my favorite has always been Fat Squirrel. This is a very drinkable English brown. It's a light medium body beer that has a sweet malt and unique nutty taste. There is a great nutty malty aroma too. I was verry excited to see these in 12pks this past summer. I wish New Glarus would start delivering to Chicago. Although I kinda of like the mytique most of the New Glarus brews have to me. It's the same thing Fat Tire had before it came back and started sucking.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I agree...I wish New Glarus came to Chicago. I haven't tried all of them but the few I have stolen sips from you were great. And this coming from the non-beer drinker.
I also enjoyed the glass I got you being displayed in that wonderful picture :)